LOG IN  Datenrettung, Datenwiederherstellung | DATARECOVERYRécuperation des donées, restauration des donées | DATARECOVERYZáchrana dat, obnova dat | DATARECOVERYZáchrana dát, obnova dát | DATARECOVERYAdatmentés, adatvissza | DATARECOVERYRecuperare de date, salvare de date | DATARECOVERYRikuperimi i të dhënave, shpëtimi i të dhënave | DATARECOVERYВосстановление данных, спасение данных | DATARECOVERY
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Laboratory expansion, new prices
We have expanded our laboratory, significantly speeded up and lowered the ...

Celebrating our 16th anniversary
Already for 16 years we have been successfully analyzing, processing and ...

Don`t let your data be destroyed!
We warn against unprofessional interventions into data media by some ...

Data recovery already from 9.99 €!
DATARECOVERY Ltd. comes with a price revolution on the market - data recovery ...

Nonstop data recovery service from flooded data media. Special "floods" ...

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DATARECOVERY Ltd., a dynamically developing company announced its 16 years in the data recovery market.

The company overall builds on the results of its own development, and constant gaining and implementing of new technologies and procedures. Thanks to the development of unique technologies and the high level of its own know-how, the company is already traditionally considered part of the reputable world top class.

Not only many years of experience, determination, and competence of the DATARECOVERY professionals, but also the unique and complex equipment of a specialised laboratory, the only one of its kind in Middle Europe, contributes to the success of the data recovery field.

The majority of the company's customers are so called end users, from big international companies and state institutions to private individuals. An important group is also service, sale, and partner companies, who nowadays form a large distribution net.

The main credo, but also a necessity for data recovery, is without any doubt an individual approach to each individual customer. In every year, the proof of the top execution of the services is in the thousands of satisfied customers from all over the world.

Contacts First aid
© DATARECOVERY. All rights reserved.
» Thank you for your excellent service. I can attest that you do first-class work. « D. Sanford, SSM, Western Digital
» [100%] result of recovering data which other companies were not able to recover... « R. Rahumägi, CTO, Quelle
Kaspersky Lab FlashRecovery: Data Recovery (Data Rescue) from USB Flash, SSD, memory cards
Záchrana dat, obnova dat - DATARECOVERY, s.r.o. - Česky Data recovery, data rescue - DATARECOVERY, s.r.o. - English Daten Rettung, Daten Wiederherstellung - DATARECOVERY, s.r.o. - Deutsch Восстановление данных, спасение информации - DATARECOVERY, s.r.o. - Pусский Récupération de données - DATARECOVERY, s.r.o. - Français Recuperación de datos - DATARECOVERY, s.r.o. - Español Recupero Dati - DATARECOVERY, s.r.o. - Italiano Záchrana dát, obnova dát - DATARECOVERY, s.r.o. - Slovensky Odzyskiwanie danych - DATARECOVERY, s.r.o. - Polski